PESSCE Life-Streams

PESSCE Lifestyle Wholeness reflects self-discipline across six areas of life most common to human beings: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, career, and economic (finances). If you are in need of discipline in physical, mental, organizational, eating, money management, etc., this PESSCE Wholeness Model and Journey is for you! Here are the baseline considerations for wholeness for each of the six PESSCE Lifestyle Life-Streams:














Physical Wholeness demonstrates a healthy lifestyle through dedicated planning, preparation, and intentional actions to positively impact your body internally and externally.


Demonstrate effort to identify and address personal emotional challenges as it relates to past and present life impacts is the focus of the Emotional Life-Stream.


In order for your physical wholeness to be seen and your emotional wholeness to be heard and felt, there has to be an experience. PESSCE Lifestyle Wholeness will reflect a spiritual experience that drives the output of the other five Life-Stream areas. 


The social aspect of who we are begins with family. Exposure and social identity are reflective of our exposures to groups including family, friends, coworkers, classmates, and even strangers.


Do what you love; love what you do. Finding PESSCE Lifestyle Wholeness will be reflected in your career and chosen work in a variety of ways. Yes, choice. It is important to remember not every opportunity is your opportunity.


Financial peace is possible. Economic Wholeness demonstrates good stewardship of finances and financial planning.

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